Professional Manufacturer of Projection Screens and Screen Fabrics(fast fold screen, electric screen,motorized screen,tensioned screen,fixed frame screen, front screen fabric,rear screen fabric ,3d screen fabric) Chinese | English
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Professional Manufacturer of Projection Screens and Screen Fabrics(fast fold screen, electric screen,motorized screen,tensioned screen,fixed frame screen, front screen fabric,rear screen fabric ,3d screen fabric)
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hengxing custom Projector Screen Fabrics
2014-06-12 15:22:37

hengxing custom Projector Screen Fabrics

Due to the continual wear and tear of daily use, sometimes the surface area of your projector screen can become damaged causing the image quality to deteriorate. This damage can manifest in the form of stains, scuff marks or areas of the screen surface area becoming torn. Screen fabric provides a cost effective means of rectifying this damage.

Additionally screen fabric can be used to change the way in which you projector screen in used. To demonstrate, perhaps you require a rear view screen but currently have a front projection screen, using screen fabric is a cost effective way of remedying this situation.

Screen fabric can be utilized to provide a cost effective DIY projector screen for financially strained businesses and financial institutes. SCREENSBUY are proud to provide our clients with an extensive range of projector screen fabrics. Additionally our range includes a diverse selection of fabric sizes and types enabling you to select a fabric which matches your specific requirements.
hengxing custom Projector Screen Fabrics
For more information about the diverse range of screen fabrics, or to enquire about any of the products included in our projector series, you can speak directly to us on
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